LOL!!! i found a bug and its awesome!!!

 i just came online and i rolled a few times at t8 then i forgot to kill the phantom guardian and it broke my dice!!! but this happened the dice was floating on top of me.I rolled again and it disappeared weird


In Memory of King_Jaw

 in memory of King_Jaw i look at my old pictures and found out that i have a picture of King_Jaw.i remember this day when i asked him if he’s filipino,but he said nope Brailian 🙂
i miss the times when King_Jaw is around with FancyFeet (his horse)

The Unexpected Circle o.O

so this happen,when i just came online i was at that spot,then we sudden realize that we made a circle unexpectedly.but this circle lasted for 15 sec =(  but it was fun do because we just made an UNEXPECTED CIRCLE!!!


At Wero’s room

we’re at wero’s room and Chaihiz is sad because he’s on poison (he was about to drink it) and wero gave me too much grapes that i fell and wero is laughing XD


Puppet Guardian Account

My name in Puppet Guardian is zzzzzzzz (the site is


My Fenrir Stuff right now

this is my fenrir stuff right now i just need 36 Behemoth Fangs for Fenrir armor and Fenrir boots (i got 2 gleipnir fibers)  ~zzzzzzzz

First Blog!

This is the very first blog i made 😀
